
Showing posts from June, 2009

Why is recycling not enough?

In this day and age, we're all encouraged to 'do our bit' for the environment. The most obvious action that most people take is recycling, and it's easy to see why - councils provide the means for us to do simply by giving us a separate box for paper, glass and whatever else your council has decided to collect from you. Whilst recycling is a great and important thing to do, the downside is that it eases people's consciences and can make them think they've 'done their bit' and that they don't have to do anymore - which is far from satisfactory. If people recycle, the basic problem is that they have, in the first instance, consumed/bought/used something which has a waste element to it. I'm not saying we should never buy anything, but think carefully about the first part of the three R's mantra - REDUCE. We should all be thinking and acting to reduce our waste and recycling by not consuming as much, or at least being more selective about our pur

Foster rabbits

We're fostering a pair of rabbits for a few weeks. They came into the rescue centre from a family who bought them for the kids, and of course, the kids loose interest in a few weeks (same old story). When they arrived, they were terrified and would throw themselves against the side of their enclosure when anyone came near. The rescue wanted them to go with someone who could give them individual attention and get them used to being handled, plus it would enable their character to be assessed before they are put up for re-homing. This is 'Harebell' in the garden - lovely pose! This is Harebell's partner, Borage, looking quite cute on the sofa. They both have great characters, Harebell in particular has really come on and is incredibly inquisitive and loves to jump from the floor onto the sofa, and then onto the top of the sofa!